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Child Rights Practitioner's Course.
6 months modular online course


The Child Rights Practitioners, the 20-week training program, is designed for those, who are willing to dive deep into the concepts, theory, and practice of multidisciplinary application of children’s rights, with a particular focus on most contemporary issues and challenges, including criticism of the children’s rights and the often painful discussion of de-colonialism and power relations linked to its concepts.



For individuals like you, professionals at all levels of career, from chief executives and leaders, policymakers, donors, practitioners, academics, researchers, students, visual artists, storytellers, and activists, who share in common interest and motivation to, in a critical manner, analyze and learn how they can use children’s rights as a tool for creating a world, where all children have better opportunities to fully develop their potential and live with dignity. 



The 6 pillar framework, carried out over the course of 6 months, provides for the logical structure of discovering different dimensions of children’s rights and their practical application, with supporting tools, which will help you to apply children’s rights concepts in the fields that most matter to you. The course will be interactive, in a way pushing you to explore new dimensions of the children’s rights, and at the same time allowing you to master its practical application across different areas for work. This course is only for those who are ready to deep-dive and commit time and efforts to master the skills of children’s rights.


The training presents a culmination of years of experiences of Dr. Anita Ramsak, gained while she was supporting a number of UN agencies, governments, not-for-profits and profits, as well as social movements and networks working and advocating for children’s rights.

Enrollment options:

At the End of the Program You Will:

  1. Deepen your understanding of what children’s rights are, where they come from and how to apply these concepts in practice.

  2. Gain skills and understanding of the various practical concepts of how children’s rights can be applied in organizational, advocacy and research contexts.  

  3. Accelerate career within the international development and social sectors.  

  4. Understand how children’s rights are multidisciplinary and can be adjusted to various situations.

  5. Understand and gain skills and entry points for a successful career in the field of children’s rights.

About the Instructor.

The course will be facilitated by ARSIC Founder, Anita Ramsak, PhD, is a social impact and human rights specialist, 


with an interest in the business case for social impact and human rights. She has a multidisciplinary academic perspective on global social challenges, acquired through her PhD in Social Sciences, Masters in Human Rights, Bachelors in Marketing Communication, and Diploma in International Development.


She also has vast experience working on complex public social challenges across three continents and more than 20 countries (check her past assignments here) while co-operating with a number of leading social impact institutions. Dr. Anita has been an advisor for, and working on a number of relevant assignments such as:

About th Instructor
Technical Assistance.
Monitoring Children's Rights.
Early bird ends: 
15.09.2022 | Application Deadline: 10.09.2022 | Fellowship deadline:15.09.2022

Project Evaluation and Research.
Research and Studies.
Training and Capacity Building.

.The course will be carried out over the course of 30 weeks or 6 months in the form of the introductory + 6 thematic courses: 

Apart from the specific knowledge of each of the pillars, each pillar will also contain:

- a critical period of reflection on problems inherited in the international child rights concept and protection sector.


This introductory course will equip you with a better understanding of the concept of children’s rights. We address:

  • What are children’s rights, where do they come from, their critical appraisal, and presentation of multiple ways how we can practically operationalise this international concept?

  • International, regional and national systems for the protection of children’s rights and how to utilise them; 

  • Some of the critiques of the problems inherent in the international child rights and protection sector;


Introductory Course: Children's Rights Theory and Practice.

Course Arrangement
Course Arrangement.

Small groups, immense opportunities for networking and participatory learning, breakout rooms and group work. Focus on practice and practical application of learned concepts and tools, with emphasis on critical reflection of the concept of children’s rights in current development and humanitarian modalities.

The course is will be running on the online platform, accessible through a mobile app as well as through a computer, which will contain individual readings and resource materials, joined plenary sessions attended by all the participants, and deep-dive sessions, in which the participants will be organized in smaller groups based on their specific interests as well as geographical time zone.

Interactive real-life work assignments and non-formal and formal assessments will support participants in reflecting on their progress and attained knowledge.

Amount of Time Needed

Throughout the course of 20 weeks, you will attend weekly plenary sessions (75min), in which we delve into specific topics, unpack patterns and tackle your toughest questions. The timing of the sessions will be adjusted based on the time zone of the participants, with recording available for others not able to attend.

To help you maximise your progress, we have designed a ‘step-by-step‘ online course, with reading materials, pre-recorded webinars, instructions and tools and growth assignments to help you integrate your learnings and insights. The weekly materials will be available to you on Monday each week and will need to be concluded by Sunday evening of the same week for the participants to be able to progress to the next week. However, it is up to you how you allocate and manage your time.


All the materials will be available to you after the course, to continue to support you in your journey. We recommend spending at least three hours per week to reflect on the insights and complete the reflective assignment. Continuous support will be provided, as needed.

Group Work

Special Guest & Bonus Podcast

The group work assignment will be added to the responsibilities in the 3rd and 4th week of each module, during which you will be assigned a small group of practitioners to jointly apply the learned concepts in practice. The assignment is expected to take 4 hour of your work during the course of two weeks, plus additional coordination. Personal feedback will be provided in writing and through a joint session at the end of the 4th week by Dr. Anita.

In each module, two discussions in the form of a podcast or round table will be held related to the topics of the course with experts carrying out interesting initiatives in this field. These will be optional, publicly accessible and recorded for you to review live or when feasible.

Total Workload

Sections & Materials

The course is composed of individual readings and resource materials, joined plenary sessions attended by all the participants and deep-dive sessions, in which the participants will be organised in smaller groups based on their specific interests as well as geographical time zone to work on a group assignment.


Depending on the geographical composition of the participants, live sessions might be carried out in two time-zones ensuring that it will be available to all. Recordings will also be provided.

Price List and Fellowship.
Price List and Timeline
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All 6-month Modules

Early Bird - before 15.08.2022

USD 1,500

Regular Price - after 15.08.2022

USD 1,800

Limited to 20 seats

Payment options available

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Single Module
(plus introductory course)

Early Bird - before 15.08.2022

USD 300 per module

Regular Price - after 15.08.2022

USD 350 per module

Limited to 10 seats

Payment options available

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Free enrolment for practitioners from the following countries:

Indonesia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Timor-Leste, Myanmar

Limited to 2 seats

for those who meet the criteria

You can join the whole 6-month week course running from 1st of October 2022 to 30th of March  2023 or individual modules of your interest. There is also the possibility to join the course as an observer.

All 6-month Modules.

As a participant of the whole module, you will have access to all the modules as well as be part of ARSIC training centre alumni, which will give you priority and benefits for future training and access to networking opportunities across the globe. We also see alumni as a potential expert pool for inclusion in relevant future consulting opportunities.   


The application package consists of: 

  • Motivation letter, explaining why you wish to join this course and what you wish to gain from it;

  • Your latest CV


The application process could be followed by the interview with the prospective applicant for a 6-months module, to ensure that the course corresponds to the needs, expectations, and time abilities of the course participants. Download the key dates here.

The regular price to join the 6-month long training is USD 1,500 US (early bird price) and 1,800 USD (normal price, one-time payment); other payment options are USD 2,100 (two-time payment) and USD 2,200 (two months instalments). The payment should be done online.

Single Module.

You can also join only a selected 4-week model of your choice. All the participants of single modules will have access and will be also required to attend the two-week Child Rights Introductory Module to develop a common understanding of the theoretical and practical concept behind children’s rights. Download the key dates here.

The regular price to join the single module training is USD 300 US (early bird price) and 350 USD (normal price, one-time payment); other payment options are USD 500 (two-time payment). The payment should be done online.


We are offering a scholarship to two participants from the listed countries below to participate at the course free of charge. 

The key criteria in the selection of the fellows are as follows:

  • Motivation and interest to work on children’s protection

  • Potential for practical application of learned 

  • Potential for future cooperation with the fellow on selected consultancy assignments/employment opportunity

Currently, the positions of the fellow are open for the following countries: 

  • Kenya

  • Zimbabwe 

  • Indonesia

  • Timor-Leste

  • Papua-New Guinea

The application package consists of: 

  • Motivation letter, explaining why you wish to join this course and what you wish to gain from it;

  • Your latest CV

Download the key dates here.


Interested to join as an observer? As an observer, you will have access to all course materials, but will not be able to actively participate in the course, or receive any feedback and individual guidance. You will receive a certificate of observance.

The price to join as an observer is USD 350 for 6 months course [non-rebursable] and USD 150 for a single module (4-week module + child rights introduction course). The payment should be done online. Apply as an observer here.

6 months modules
Single module
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